Blessings In Adversity



Convert Challenges, Difficulties and Hardships Into Blessings and New Opportunities

Adversity happens…blessings, or positive opportunities, must be discovered, created and developed. Blessings In Adversity is both an attitude and life-skills strategy for anyone at any age to use when they are going through difficulties and challenges. This e-book shares practical strategies and ideas with a perspective that within any adversity we will face, there is still value to find…if you know where to look. Convert your challenges, difficulties and hardships into blessings and new opportunities through our Blessings In Adversity e-book!

Specifically written for those facing challenges and difficulties and inspired by his own experiences, Frank F. Lunn shares his personal wisdom of finding Blessings In Adversity. From the death of his father to successfully battling his son Frankie’s leukemia, blessings can be found in the most difficult of circumstances if you know where to look.


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